Documaster for contracts

Documaster for contracts is an add-in for our document management system, enabling you to stay on top of any contract in your company, whether it is customer contracs, vendor contracs, employee contracs or any other legal binding document you have entered.

Drag and drop any contract into Documaster, or use one or more of our third-party integrations to have the contracts show up automatically.


Get insights

Use our powerful reporting and notification tool «Documaster Insights» to extract data from your documents, and turn them into valuable knowledge that you can use for business critical decision making.

For example, are all our customer contracts ready for price adjustments this year? Or do we have up to date contracts with all our landlords? Which contracts is to be renewed in the next six months?

Use our powerful dashboard to get the overview, and drill down to all the details if you want.

Docubot notification

Stay on top of renewals and expiries

Hver kontrakt du laster opp til Documaster, skannes for viktige fremtidige datoer, for eksempel utløpsdatoer eller fornyelser. Vi varsler deg om viktige kommende hendelser gjennom varslingssenteret vårt. Varsler kan sendes på e-post, Teams eller Slack.


Find any contract in seconds

All documents that that you store Documaster are tagged so that they are easy to find and to search through. Use our powerful tools for search and filtering to find exactly the document you are looking for. You can search both within the content of all documents and in the associated metadata.

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Sign documents with Documaster eSign

Having unsigned contracts in Documaster that you need to get signed? Use our integrated electronic signature add-in Documaster eSign to sign any contract or document. Signed contracts are stored as a new version of the original document.

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Version control

Documaster ensures that all versions of a contract are preserved while at the same time giving instant visibility to the most recent version.

contractual obligations

Get an overview of all contractual obligations

Get an overview of future cashflows and contractual obligations. Documaster lets you export all your contract data to Excel for further analysis.

Gain control over your company's contracts

Ready to get started with Documaster?